




杜平先生,1970年8月出生,管理學碩士。1993年畢業于中南財經大學投資學專業; 2003年畢業于中南財經政法大學企業管理專業,獲管理學碩士學位。1993年7月加入華新水泥股份有限公司,先后任本公司投資發展部科員、技術中心咨詢部科員、計劃發展部科員、計劃發展部部長助理、計劃發展部副部長;2003年1月至2011年1月先后擔任華新水泥(西藏)有限公司常務副總經理、執行總經理、西藏高新建材集團總經理、華新水泥西南區域行政經理。2012年9月,首批入選“湖北省123重大人才工程”。2011年2月起,先后任本公司鄂東水泥事業部總經理、云南事業部總經理、中部區域總經理。現任湖北省青聯常委。2011年2月至2016年1月,任本公司助理副總裁; 2016年1月起,出任本公司副總裁。


Mr. Du Ping, born in August 1970, Master of Management. In 1993, he graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics with a bachelor’s degree in investment Principles. In 2003, he graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, majored in Enterprise Management, and got a Master’s Degree of Management. He joined Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd in July 1993 and successively took positions in Investment and Development Department, Advisory Department and Technical Centre, Planning and Development Department and then he served as assistant to the Manager and Vice Manager of Planning and Development Department. From January 2003 to January 2011, he successively took positions of executive deputy general manager and general manager in Huaxin Cement (Tibet) Co., Ltd., GM of Tibei Gaoxin Building Materials Group, Administration Manager of Southwest Region of Huaxin. In September 2012, he was selected in the “123 Key Talent Program of Hubei Province” (first batch). Since February 2011, he successively served as general manager of Hubei East Cement Business Unit, general manager of Yunnan Business Unit, and general manager of Central Business Unit. Now he is also a member of the Hubei Youth Federation. From February 2011 to January 2016, he was AVP of the Company. He became VP of the Company in January 2016.

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